Swimming Hall of Inkeroinen

Opistontie 6, 46900 Inkeroinen

+358 206156605


Opistontie 6, 46900 Inkeroinen

The swimming hall has:

  • Big pool: 25 m, 4 lanes, depth max. 2 m, min. 1,2 m. Massaging shower, possibility for counterflow swimming
    Check reservations here
  • Small pool: depth max. 0,9 m
    Check reservations here
  • Jacuzzi
  • Cold water pool

Last entry to facility is 1 h before closure time. The pool is to be vacated 20 min. before closure time.
Accessible for disabled.

Tel. 020 615 6605 (pay office)


  • Opening hours are the same as with the swimming hall
  • The gym closes 10 min. before closure time of the hall
  • Check reservations here


Further information on swimming hall of Inkeroinen (in Finnish only)

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