Experience Kouvola by bus

How do you reach favorite destinations by bus in Kouvola?

We have collected information about how to get to Kouvola to this page but how to move around Kouvola by bus is a question we are answering here. The first step of getting to your destination is checking the route and timetable from Kouvola’s route guide.

When the route and timetable are clear all you need is a ticket. That can be bought from the bus by cash or conveniently from a mobile app (which you can download from the App Store or Google Play).

Take a bus to favorite destinations

To our beautiful amusement park, Tykkimäki, you can get by some of route 12’s shifts. Tykkimäki bus stops by travel centers stop H3. You can also get pretty close to Tykkimäki by routes 8 and 13.

To Repovesi you can travel by the Repovesi bus or by public transit route 5 which travels between Kouvola and Orilampi. Remember to look up the right shift for that, since all route 5 busses don’t go to Lapinsalmi.

To Arboretum Mustila you can get from the travel center by bus route 4.

You can also get to the side attractions of the housing fair nicely by bus. Repovesi bus stops by Verla and route 9 has a few shifts that stop by it (on Thursday and Tuesday). Additionally, route 5 and other shifts of route 9 shifts have a stop about 6 km from Verla.

Anjala’s Ankkapurha and Tehtaanmäki’s Alvar Aalto destinations can be reached conveniently by route 3 busses, which depart next to the travel center from the stop H1.

The third side attraction, Kuusankoski’s Taideruukki, is located by routes 9, 7 and 1. The shifts have so differences in the route, so remember to check the route guide for the shift you plan on taking there.

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